Monday, February 16, 2009

Susan Tedeschi ROCKS

Last fall over dinner, our friend Jill went on and on about how great Susan Tedeschi is and lamented that her tour never came to Tucson. We talked about finding a fun city on her tour and making a trip of it to see her. After we cleaned up the dishes, my phone chimed to alert me to a new email, “On Sale Now – Susan Tedeschi in Tucson”. Not kidding. Figuring the universe was listening to us we immediately started talking about how great it would be to win the lottery.

The concert was last Wednesday. Her opening act was interesting – James Hunter. He was a tiny Englishmen with the energy of a hummingbird on crystal meth. His sound was R&B meets Do-Wop meets Otis Redding meets the Commitments. Not my cup of tea, but he was interesting and he was very good. We later learned he was a Grammy nominated artist. Not many times can you say the opening band was Grammy level good.

Then, Susan Tedeshi took the stage. I really didn’t know her stuff, so didn’t know what to expect. She kind of looked like a school teacher (maybe a grade school art teacher), and was soft spoken with a lovely lilt to her voice. Then the music started and she started ROCKING. Oh my word, it was so spectacular. She was like Bonnie Raitt + Janis Joplin but turned up to 11. She rocked one song so hard she was actually out of breath at the end. I can’t believe how great she was. You must go see her. The only way you won’t enjoy her is if you are dead and cold on the inside. There are lots of You Tube videos of her live performances, go listen to some of them.

She was like the female Marc Broussard. If they ever paired up, day would become night because the earth’s rotation would reverse in the wake of their magnificence. I can’t even imagine how great that would be. Someone needs to get on that.

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