Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good Times in Tucson

This was a pretty great week in Tucson. While meeting David Sedaris on Wednesday was certainly a highlight, there were several other great experiences last week:

Wednesday night I had lots of wine and a wonderful dinner at 58 degrees and holding. Heading back there tonight for a French Reds wine tasting, in celebration of Bastille Day. Vive la french wine!

For the 4th of July, I headed to a bbq in Oro Valley. At this lovely gathering, I met two more people from NJ and two more from Chicago. This whole NJ/Chicago thing is getting to be surreal.

On Sunday, I spent the day celebrating Ed's big 4-0. I knew there would be cocktails involved, but when we started with breakfast at 9:30 am so we could carbo-load for the day, I knew we were in trouble. Getting to the bars before they opened, also ominous. But, we had a lot of fun, and I stayed relatively upright for the duration. Our birthday celebration group: three New Jersyans, one Chicagoan, and just to mix it up, a Michigander.

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