Monday, July 14, 2008

Just Because You're in a Bar, Doesn't Mean You Have to Drink

Since I've been in Tucson, my liver has born the brunt of my socializing. Meeting people and being social usually means being in a bar or restaurant. Wednesday night wine tasting, Thursday night cocktails and pool. Last weekend's birthday pub crawl. It's a lot of liquor-related activity, is what I'm saying.

Friday night I went to a happy hour and then to live music. I stayed strong and resisted the vino and spirits, and I think my liver may have breathed a sigh of relief. Or maybe that was a withdrawal pain. One or the other.

On Saturday night I went to my first baseball game of the season. Tucson is home to the AAA minor league Tucson Sidewinders. They have a lovely ball park on the south side of town, it's where the Diamondbacks (and until recently, the Chicago White Sox) hold their spring training. It's a nice modern stadium, easy to get to, and the priciest tickets are $9. A very nice night out. Too bad the Sidewinders are moving to Reno next season. I don't have pictures of the stadium. I was with a new friend and didn't want to ask him to hold my purse while I took some photos.

The game was entertaining, despite the Sidewinders loss. Lots of balls flying down the third base line kept us on our toes. A weirdly high number of broken bats. And, perhaps some of the funniest hecklers I've heard. They taunted the third base coach and infield ref (is that a thing? I may be making that position up) for the last few innings. College students + beer usually is annoying, but these guys were really pretty funny.

After staying on the wagon for all of Friday, many drinks were consumed on Saturday. I mean, how does one not have beer when at a ball game? That's practically un-American.

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