Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello, Monsoon Season

Last night I was working and noticed it was nearly pitch black outside. Strange, I hadn't realized it was so late. Looked at my watch: 6:15. Uh-oh. The skies were a purple-y black, and it was preternaturally quiet outside. There was a little lightning, some thunder, and some pretty normal rain. Kind of disappointing.

Today, the Monsoon began in earnest.

Around 2:30 it started to *pour*. It's coming down in sheets, streets are flooding. And the thunder, omg, the thunder!! It's pretty neat, but I'm glad I'm inside.

You know who's happy to be outside in this? The Tortoises! They are all out there, stumbling around like drunk babies, pleased as punch. I had no idea they loved the rain so much. Well, I guess if I lived in a dusty dank burrow, I would love to play in the rain too.

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