Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Love Market Research

Friday night we had a nice quiet evening in. The second we got home the jammies went on and cocktails were poured. We decided Indian food was in order, and fortuitously, there are two Indian restaurants just down the road, mere blocks away. No one had tried either restaurant yet, so we had a dilemma: at which restaurant did we place our order?

When two people who work for a marketing strategy firm are faced with this dilemma, there can be only one solution: place an identical order at both restaurants so we can do side by side comparisons.

Once the orders were placed, Excel was launched and our tracking sheet was created. Beyond taste, we tracked ease of ordering, delivery time, packaging and presentation, etc, etc.

It was pretty amazing how the experiences differed. They both had strengths and weaknesses, but overall were very good. Really, there was no way we were losing - I mean, look at the deliciousness:

1 comment:

Mags said...

That is awesome!