Monday, May 5, 2008

That Toddlin' Town

I spent this last weekend in Chicago. I was greeted by a humid gray rainy day. Ah, the midwest. So glad to be back.

The weekend was a whirlwind of activities. I had great visits with a number of friends across the city and suburbs. Saw the temporary Chicago office, or I should say, got acquainted with a windowless conference room during a four hour conference room. I nearly vomited in Scott's new sports car as he showed me how fast it could go in moderate traffic. Chicagoans, keep your eyes peeled for a madman in a silver car. OY.

The reason for the trip was to see a concert by the amazing Jonathan Coulton. A sample of his most popular songs is here, give them a whirl.

If you ever have the chance to see him, just go. I can't imagine anyone not having a good time at his concert. My face literally hurt I was laughing so much, and I nearly hyperventilated twice. Seriously, you have to see him (and Paul and Storm) live. I mean, when was the last time your face hurt because you had so much fun?

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