Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So long, Shangri La

Well, that's the end of that. It was a lovely week in the hills of West Tucson. Aside from the internet and phone being down for the last two days. Eh, what can you do?

Moving to a new place for the next two weeks later today. I'm sure it will be lovely, it just won't be a palace in the hills.

The other night I went out to dinner. Found a place that sounded great, although it seemed a bit far away. I figured it will be a good way to see that part of Tucson. Well, saying that restaurant is in Tucson is like saying O'Hare is in Chicago. Bit of a haul, is what I'm saying. Very oddly, as the restaurant was kind of hip, it was filled with seniors. I was the youngest one there by at least 25 years, and it was 7 pm, not the early bird special hour. So, kind of a bust, athough it did give me this lovely scene:

It looked better in person. Really need to figure out the special light settings on the camera.

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